Традиционно временем корпоративных мероприятий считают предпраздничные дни: перед Новым годом, «Женским» и «Мужским» праздником…Однако, по ощущениям самих участников этих мероприятий, это не вполне удачное время. Корпоративные мероприятия меркнут на фоне предпраздничной суеты: все озадачены вопросами, что купить в подарок друзьям и домочадцам, во что одеться и где распродажи…
Нестандартный и эффективный подход – организация тематических мероприятий как бы «без повода», просто ради того, чтобы отдых сотрудников был разнообразен и иногда смежен с коллективом. Такой вариант корпоративов гораздо сильнее формирует и укрепляет лояльность сотрудников, нежели традиционно-предпраздничный корпоратив.
Можно ли провести корпоративную вечеринку в офисе или арендованном конференц-зале, которая бы не просто сплотила сотрудников за трапезой и забавными конкурсами, но и способствовала осознанию их рабочих взаимосвязей и развивала коллектив? Да, это возможно, следует только внести несколько изменений в скелет корпоратива.
Во-первых, в качестве «аперитива» вручить сотрудникам шутливые сертификаты о достижениях, которых они не совершали, но втайне мечтают (здесь предварительно даётся установка «душе компании» зафиксировать чаяния сослуживцев). Например, «отчаянный сёрфер по морю бизнеса», «логистик-сноубордист со стажем», «мисс Проспать без предупреждения». Ещё один вариант присвоения кавычек – по методу «от противного», то есть наделить сотрудников противоположными званиями (здесь очень важно предварительно сформировать список инфантильных и гиперчувствительных, которые могут обидеться на шутку и испортить этим самым корпоратив и себе, и окружающим). Только сотруднице с хорошим чувством юмора и внушающим словарным запасом можно вручить сертификат Эллочки Людоедовой местного покроя или покроя ООО «Колоссально». В таком случае мы имеем дело с двойной нестандартностью: сертификаты за странные заслуги или за мечты, плюс в качестве аперитива, а не в конце мероприятия по результатам игр и конкурсов.
Во-вторых, можно именовать каждую вечеринку заранее объявленной темой, стимулируя у сотрудников творческую энергию через задание: нарисовать себе эмблему (в контексте темы). И, как висящее на стене ружьё, тема обязательно должна «выстрелить» - плацдармом темы каждого подобного мероприятия станет деловая либо ролевая игра. Например, с нотами самоиронии объявляем тему «Свита паразитов» и на доске объявлений перед вечеринкой вывешиваем текст биологического характера о паразитизме и трофических связях хозяина и паразита, о видах паразитизма и его уровнях.
В середине мероприятия играем в «Свиту паразитов» - делим сотрудников на команды по 3-4 человека и предлагаем каждой команде представить свою организацию в качестве системы «Хозяин и его свита». Задание очень сложное в рамках психологического барьера (начальника, сотрудников именовать разными нехорошими живыми организмами) и негативизма уже только лишь к слову «паразит». Однако, для прошедших тренинг по тимбилдингу или по коммуникативной умелости сотрудников, подобное неординарное задание не покажется столь пугающим. В прохождении через негативные эмоции осознание взаимосвязей внутри своей структуры будет ярким, поучающим и стимулирующим рефлексию сотрудников по поводу своего места и значения в структуре.
Главное, после подобных очень шутливых и вместе с тем очень глубоких игр, не оставить сотрудников наедине с мыслями, а вовлечь их в позитивное взаимодействие друг с другом. Если в штате организации нет психолога, лучше не экспериментировать с играми, способными вызвать противоречивые эмоции, а брать более «нейтральные» ролевые игры. Для того, чтобы придумывать тематики корпоративов и каждый раз сочинять «регалии» для сертификатов, достаточно креативного сотрудника, позитивного и умеющего найти изюминку в каждом, и вовсе необязателен штатный психолог. К тому же, оптимально проводить подобные мероприятия раз в квартал, и можно охватить «сертифицированием» всех сотрудников за год, а не вручать им каждый раз новые «регалии».
вторник, 25 ноября 2008 г.
ВСЕМ КОЛЛЕГАМ (Документ составлен в сентябре 2008г. на семинаре по нарративной психологии)
Dear colleagues,
This is a document that was created by a group of psychologists in Abakan, Siberia, during the workshop “Narrative approach to working with survivors of violence”, that is taking place on the 10-11th of September.
We were introduced to the document composed by the social workers in Nablus in June, 2006. We were very impressed by the ways you use to preserve your dignity in the situation of occupation and under torture, by the ways to respond to stressful situations, violence and grief.In your life, the most harrowing things one might imagine, become usual, and your example shows us that we people can adapt to, endure and finally overcome everything. The stories from Nablus show us that there is great strength in you. We were impressed by your stories - simple things in life, when collected, brough together, give great strength. We are preparing now to work with torture survivors, and your document inspired us to look for our own ways of overcoming difficulties and enduring, and we would like to share them with you.
Run like Forrest Gump
When I feel bad, I use to run, thoughtlessly, like Forrest Gump, I run a lot, 10 kms at a time, because when you are running, you don’t get immersed in the thoughts that come to your head,
In 1993-1994 I had a classmate and we used to argue with him a lot, he was a sportsman, and a very good runner, and I was weakling, and I had a bad mark in Physical Training. He insulted me and ran away, and I had to catch up with him. So I overcame my weakness and ran and ran until he got out of breath. After this event something opened up in me. I started going running and jogging every day, and I got an excellent mark in PT.
Actually this was a tradition in our family, when I was a little kid, my dad and mom and sister used to go running together. They tried to engage me too, but it was too early in the morning for my tastes. And now they don’t run anymore, but I do.
The theme of death is important for me, because my dad died when I was 2 years 8 months old. I was affected by that, for a while I had trouble eating, I was not able to talk about death, tried not to think about it, to forget. When I was teenage, I started writing poetry. I wrote some poems addressed to my dad, to tell him how important he is to me, no matter that he is dead. I gave these poems to my mother, and her response was beautiful, so all our family found a way to talk about it and create meaning. The theme of death stopped being so hurtful for me, I started to be able to talk with people about it. I thought about the ways how my life could have unfolded if my dad was alive, and this is what I wrote my poems about.
I learned to write poetry from my mother, she writes poetry too, and she read her poems to me. My mother and her friends supported me, and I was surprised, because at the beginning I was afrad and did not think that I should tell people that I write poetry. But each time I come to visit them, they ask me to read new poems I composed. Now I even publish these poems in my weblog, I am not afraid of being judged. Family traditions help, and my friends to - they write poetry too, and sometimes we get together and read our poems to each other.
I pour my feelings onto paper, and these feelings find some artistic form of expression that contains meaning. This gives me solace and comfort, and I find strength to go on.
Feeling connected with the past
Feeling connected with the past alo is very helpful, I enjoy looking at old photos, it fills me with positive energy. Feeling connected with the past gives strength for living in the present.
Faith also helps. Wherever I am, in any village or town, I always look for a temple. Even if I have no opportunity to come inside, I like just to stand nearby. Communicating with God helps me during the most difficult periods of my life. I was not taught that, it is something I discovered by myself. I entered a temple for the first time when I was 15 and my little cousin died. Now I know all the temples in my town.
Since I was a kid, I had an invisible friend, a knight, champion of those weak and oppressed. When I felt hurt and sad, I wrote letters to him and asked for support and assistance. And some help always came from some source.
I used to write about the traumatic experience in many different ways, trying to see it from different points of view. And the memory of the experience was transformed and not so painful anymore. I learned to express myself in writing, because I like to read. Here in Russia many people do, reading is a very common pastime. Books were my friends and my solace, they brought into my world the much-needed magic and otherworldly beauty. The writers always were for me an example of transforming one’s life experience into meaningful and beautiful creation. I wanted to write beautiful and meaningful books myself, and I started doing some creative writing. When I studied at the University, I made some friends who were also interested in writing, and this was a great support.
I used to engage in journaling. I know now that there are different ways of journaling, mine was to write about my feelings and events, and about my daily learnings. It was very helpful.
When I feel sad or hurt, I distract my attention by engaging into crafts. I do lots of crafts - the monotonous work is soothing, and I like the beautiful things I create. They warm my heart, these small joys. I learned crafts from my mother - she was a knitter, many people 0f her generations were - out of necessity. Also she learned some lace-making, and she had books and leftover thread, which I used to learn lace-making myself. I use crafts as a sort of reward for myself too, when I need to motivate myself to do something not quite interesting, like homework: first I do the homework, and if I do it fadt enough, I have some time for crafts. I give many things I make to my friends, and the awareness that I can bring joy to their lives too, makes me happy.
I knit too. It is helpful to be aware of that during the most difficult and chaotic times I can still create some beautiful things. I respect myself more because of that. This skill I learned from my grandmother, she taught me to knit when I was three years old.
Helping others
My way of dealing with difficult situations is helping others - in different ways, not expecting gratitude. I am “paying it forward”. I can do it anytime. I learned it from my father. When his father died, it was a hard blow for my dad, and he dealt with it by helping his sisters. He helped them and in a way, he helped himself.
If there are pesky annoying circumstances in my life, I postpone dealing with them. With time they either disappear altogether or become less annoying. Also I “compartmentalise” my life mentally, so if there is something bad happening in one area of my life, it does not spill over in othe areas, and I use to prioritise and privilege the areas where things are going well.
Our message to you
There is a saying here that harsh wind makes hardy people. You there in Palestine are living in such circumstances now that you have to survive, to stand together, to learn new necessary skills and ways of living. This is a very difficult stage for you, but we hope that you always remember that this is just a stage, and it will be over, and it will be an episode in your life, not your whole life. We know that you use all the chances to learn new helpful things that will serve you and your people well. We wish to you find ways to avoid assigning blame, to be free from personal enmity and hatred - although we can imagine that this might be hard. We hope you find ways to see the situation from other, new, helpful points of view.
We have a saying here: if you do something good to someone, something good with be done to you - or to your children. It is difficult for us here in Siberia to imagine your life, but we feel connected to you, and we are very inspired by the work you are doing. Your example makes us want to do something right here, in Abakan, to keep alive the spirit of the work you are doing. Admiration expressed in words costs little, it should be expressed in good deeds in our local context. There are times when the good initiatives get thwarted, but to honour your wark, we will do our best to persist.
This is a document that was created by a group of psychologists in Abakan, Siberia, during the workshop “Narrative approach to working with survivors of violence”, that is taking place on the 10-11th of September.
We were introduced to the document composed by the social workers in Nablus in June, 2006. We were very impressed by the ways you use to preserve your dignity in the situation of occupation and under torture, by the ways to respond to stressful situations, violence and grief.In your life, the most harrowing things one might imagine, become usual, and your example shows us that we people can adapt to, endure and finally overcome everything. The stories from Nablus show us that there is great strength in you. We were impressed by your stories - simple things in life, when collected, brough together, give great strength. We are preparing now to work with torture survivors, and your document inspired us to look for our own ways of overcoming difficulties and enduring, and we would like to share them with you.
Run like Forrest Gump
When I feel bad, I use to run, thoughtlessly, like Forrest Gump, I run a lot, 10 kms at a time, because when you are running, you don’t get immersed in the thoughts that come to your head,
In 1993-1994 I had a classmate and we used to argue with him a lot, he was a sportsman, and a very good runner, and I was weakling, and I had a bad mark in Physical Training. He insulted me and ran away, and I had to catch up with him. So I overcame my weakness and ran and ran until he got out of breath. After this event something opened up in me. I started going running and jogging every day, and I got an excellent mark in PT.
Actually this was a tradition in our family, when I was a little kid, my dad and mom and sister used to go running together. They tried to engage me too, but it was too early in the morning for my tastes. And now they don’t run anymore, but I do.
The theme of death is important for me, because my dad died when I was 2 years 8 months old. I was affected by that, for a while I had trouble eating, I was not able to talk about death, tried not to think about it, to forget. When I was teenage, I started writing poetry. I wrote some poems addressed to my dad, to tell him how important he is to me, no matter that he is dead. I gave these poems to my mother, and her response was beautiful, so all our family found a way to talk about it and create meaning. The theme of death stopped being so hurtful for me, I started to be able to talk with people about it. I thought about the ways how my life could have unfolded if my dad was alive, and this is what I wrote my poems about.
I learned to write poetry from my mother, she writes poetry too, and she read her poems to me. My mother and her friends supported me, and I was surprised, because at the beginning I was afrad and did not think that I should tell people that I write poetry. But each time I come to visit them, they ask me to read new poems I composed. Now I even publish these poems in my weblog, I am not afraid of being judged. Family traditions help, and my friends to - they write poetry too, and sometimes we get together and read our poems to each other.
I pour my feelings onto paper, and these feelings find some artistic form of expression that contains meaning. This gives me solace and comfort, and I find strength to go on.
Feeling connected with the past
Feeling connected with the past alo is very helpful, I enjoy looking at old photos, it fills me with positive energy. Feeling connected with the past gives strength for living in the present.
Faith also helps. Wherever I am, in any village or town, I always look for a temple. Even if I have no opportunity to come inside, I like just to stand nearby. Communicating with God helps me during the most difficult periods of my life. I was not taught that, it is something I discovered by myself. I entered a temple for the first time when I was 15 and my little cousin died. Now I know all the temples in my town.
Since I was a kid, I had an invisible friend, a knight, champion of those weak and oppressed. When I felt hurt and sad, I wrote letters to him and asked for support and assistance. And some help always came from some source.
I used to write about the traumatic experience in many different ways, trying to see it from different points of view. And the memory of the experience was transformed and not so painful anymore. I learned to express myself in writing, because I like to read. Here in Russia many people do, reading is a very common pastime. Books were my friends and my solace, they brought into my world the much-needed magic and otherworldly beauty. The writers always were for me an example of transforming one’s life experience into meaningful and beautiful creation. I wanted to write beautiful and meaningful books myself, and I started doing some creative writing. When I studied at the University, I made some friends who were also interested in writing, and this was a great support.
I used to engage in journaling. I know now that there are different ways of journaling, mine was to write about my feelings and events, and about my daily learnings. It was very helpful.
When I feel sad or hurt, I distract my attention by engaging into crafts. I do lots of crafts - the monotonous work is soothing, and I like the beautiful things I create. They warm my heart, these small joys. I learned crafts from my mother - she was a knitter, many people 0f her generations were - out of necessity. Also she learned some lace-making, and she had books and leftover thread, which I used to learn lace-making myself. I use crafts as a sort of reward for myself too, when I need to motivate myself to do something not quite interesting, like homework: first I do the homework, and if I do it fadt enough, I have some time for crafts. I give many things I make to my friends, and the awareness that I can bring joy to their lives too, makes me happy.
I knit too. It is helpful to be aware of that during the most difficult and chaotic times I can still create some beautiful things. I respect myself more because of that. This skill I learned from my grandmother, she taught me to knit when I was three years old.
Helping others
My way of dealing with difficult situations is helping others - in different ways, not expecting gratitude. I am “paying it forward”. I can do it anytime. I learned it from my father. When his father died, it was a hard blow for my dad, and he dealt with it by helping his sisters. He helped them and in a way, he helped himself.
If there are pesky annoying circumstances in my life, I postpone dealing with them. With time they either disappear altogether or become less annoying. Also I “compartmentalise” my life mentally, so if there is something bad happening in one area of my life, it does not spill over in othe areas, and I use to prioritise and privilege the areas where things are going well.
Our message to you
There is a saying here that harsh wind makes hardy people. You there in Palestine are living in such circumstances now that you have to survive, to stand together, to learn new necessary skills and ways of living. This is a very difficult stage for you, but we hope that you always remember that this is just a stage, and it will be over, and it will be an episode in your life, not your whole life. We know that you use all the chances to learn new helpful things that will serve you and your people well. We wish to you find ways to avoid assigning blame, to be free from personal enmity and hatred - although we can imagine that this might be hard. We hope you find ways to see the situation from other, new, helpful points of view.
We have a saying here: if you do something good to someone, something good with be done to you - or to your children. It is difficult for us here in Siberia to imagine your life, but we feel connected to you, and we are very inspired by the work you are doing. Your example makes us want to do something right here, in Abakan, to keep alive the spirit of the work you are doing. Admiration expressed in words costs little, it should be expressed in good deeds in our local context. There are times when the good initiatives get thwarted, but to honour your wark, we will do our best to persist.
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